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Why don’t sex toy manufacturers respond to the physiological needs of women?

The most well-known sex toy manufacturers don’t offer any body warm sex toys.

  • But why don’t manufacturers respond to our physiological needs?
  • Is it because the toy production is controlled by men?
  • Are men really that blind and believe that everything that looks like a penis can satisfy us?
  • Maybe men aren’t well, or not at all informed about our sexual desire?
  • Are there purposely no body-warm sex toys being produced?
  • Maybe it is the porn industry that gives men a false impression of our sexual needs?

The porn industry revealed

I truly think that the porn industry gives men a completely wrong picture of what pleasurable sex really is for women. There are so many videos of women groaning and screaming while masturbating themselves by using cold vibrators and dildos. But those women who look like they are having the orgasms of their life are unfortunately not reality. Porn is a tough show business, which often includes rape, violence and drugs. Being a porn star is a profession. Orgasms are generally faked in pron. It is a tough business that requires hard work and has little to do with fun and pleasure.

What are sex toys usually made of and why don’t many of these materials work for sex?

In the past, sex toys were usually made of rubber or PVC. These types of materials weren’t made for the inner sensitive mucous membranes of the vagina and were the opposite of healthy. Today most vibrators are made of medical silicone, which thankfully doesn’t contain any deleterious plasticizers. But there are also many sex toys made of hard plastic, stainless steel, glass, ceramics, and even wood. Often I really wonder what manufacturers think when choosing materials for sex toys.

Medical silicone

Medical silicone has a really smooth and soft surface, which makes the vibrator very easy to glide. However, the temperature of those vibrators still feels cold and uncomfortable which is why they don’t work for the most women.


I really have little understanding for sex toys made of glass. Glass is a very hard and fragile material that feels weird and uncomfortable in the genital area. Even though people say that you can play with the temperature of this type of material, I find that dildos made of glass don’t look and feel like penises at all.

Stainless Steel

Sex toys made of surgical stainless steel are nickel-free but feel hard and uncomfortable. Although the material is easy to heat up and cool, I think stainless steel isn’t suitable for sex toys.


Ceramic toys are rare, but they do exist. The material is incredibly heavy, cold and sturdy and for me personally a real turn-off. How someone can choose this material that we usually use for plates and coffee mugs for sex toys really makes me wonder.



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