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Dildo Test – This is how you are guaranteed to have an orgasm
Sex toys used to be a no-go and somewhat on the dirty side, but nowadays they have a widespread presence. Sex toys have become very popular and are a part of almost every bedroom. People have grown comfortable with the idea of female sex toys so much that dildos, women vibrators, dongs and other women sex toys are often topics of discussion among peers.
The reason for this is apparent: whether you are alone or with a lover, sex toys spice up your love life. Female sex toys are companions of everyone, whether homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual; dildos, women vibrators, dongs and similar sex toys for women have become a way of life. The dildo, probably the oldest sex toy in the world, is particularly popular.
Whether they are fill-able, electric, or glass dildos – the market offers countless variants and categories, and you quickly lose the overview. We have tested different dildos and revealed which vibrators and dildos will definitely make you moan in ecstasy. We have scrutinized various warm dildos and women vibrators on the indicators like usability, comfort, pleasure and hygiene, which are the key determinants of pleasure in all women sex toys. Enjoy this thrilling read!
Dildo Test: A Critical Deficiency in Ordinary Dildos
Finding a dildo that will truly stimulate you to the magical climax is not that easy these days. This is the case with the ordinary women sex toys; dildos, vibrators for women, dongs, plugs etc. tend to raise expectations but merely disappoint during the pleasure-hunt. As our dildo test shows, many vibrators and dildos promise a real explosive pleasure, but they disappoint when it comes down to business – this is actually something they have in common with many men. (Sorry, we love you anyway!)
The common problem with many conventional vibrators and dildos is not having the right temperature. Due to their material, they never get warmer than the ambient temperature of 73°F–82°F. There is usually a temperature difference of 14°F to 25°F between the room temperature and the body temperature, which extremely inhibits the degree of pleasure. Surely, there are times when you are so horny that you forget everything around you, but having a hot and throbbing cock in you is something entirely different. (As I said, we do love our men!)
Why is the temperature so important?
Many women underestimate the temperature factor and then wonder why they can’t climax with a vibrator. How can a cold female sex toy like a dildo or a women vibrator induce the kind of pleasure only possible with a women sex toy matching the vaginal temperature? This can easily be explained scientifically: Your vaginal mucous membranes are extremely sensitive to temperature.
The low temperature has a constricting effect; your muscles tighten and prevent the natural secretion of the vaginal fluid. In short, the cold reduces the moisture, blocks the libido, and lowers your lustful sensations. Anyone who has ever tried to have sex in an ice-cold room knows what I am talking about – real pleasure is rare to have in such setting.
Heat, on the other hand, has the opposite effect. A pleasant temperature is crucial for you to feel completely comfortable and enjoy sex to the fullest potential.
The prime objective of using female sex toys is to have a magical pleasure, but the touch of a cold dildo or women vibrator causes a little shock rather than a wave of pleasure. Warmth is considered the synonym of relaxation and pleasure. This can also be observed aside from sex, for example, think of a heat therapy for muscle relaxation, sauna, massages, or sunbathing.
This problem has been known to the sex toy manufacturers for many years. Many attempts have been made to produce dildos that provide and retain warmth. We introduce you to the different types and categories of ‘warm’ dildos.
Electrically Heated Dildos and Vibrators
One of the most prevalent forms of dildos is the electrically heated dildos and vibrators with an internal electrical resistor that generates warmth –though with a limited success. Electrically heated dildos and vibrators are a step in the right direction, but they have been exposed in our Dildo Test as having some serious drawbacks.
Electrically heated dildos and vibrators require electricity that must be supplied via a socket or batteries. The dildos with direct electric supply, besides making most women uncomfortable with the thought of electricity up inside them; limit the desired mobility in those playful moments.
Nothing can be more horrible than accidental plug-out of an electrical women sex toy, when a dildo or a women vibrator is on the go; it would be the worst experience of a sex toy for women. About the rechargeable dildos with batteries; imagine the batteries of a dildo running out just before a big magical orgasm is about to happen—the brain of a scientist is not required to predict what would happen later.
Moreover, the heat is not evenly distributed throughout the dildo. There is a lack of hygiene because boiling with hot water is not possible in electrically heated dildos. Electrically heated dildos and vibrators were found to have an unpleasant and artificial odor during our Dildo Test.
Electrically heated dildos may be acceptable for you if you are willing to accept an unpleasant smell and compromise on the realness and flexibility of a dildo or vibrator. But one wonders, where on earth are such acquiescent people? We comprehensively scrutinized the other variants of a warm dildo.
Fillable Dildos
Fillable dildos were also scrutinized in our Dildo Test. These are usually made of glass, metal or plastic and have an opening at the rear end that can be filled with water. The dildo is then closed with a screw cap, similar to the principle of a hot-water bottle. Sounds great, doesn’t it?
Unfortunately, fillable dildos were also found to be full of flaws. During our test, we found the following defects in the fillable dildos:
Fillable dildos cannot be sealed hermetically, so the risk of leakage cannot be ruled out 100%.
They continuously need to be refilled and this is not an easy thing to do without frustration.
Finding the optimal temperature, which is required for an intense orgasm, in fillable dildos is almost impossible as they possess either a lower or a higher temperature.
Fillable dildos are made of unpleasantly hard materials like plastic, glass or metal and thus lack the flexibility a dildo must possess.
After the disappointing finding of our test, we wondered should we give up the search for the perfect dildo or vibrator. Finding a female sex toy; a dildo, a dong or a women vibrator with all the perfect features of an ideal women sex toy seemed almost impossible. A question arose within; is there really no dildo that combines all the advantages of different vibrator or dildo models? Not so fast, ladies (and gentlemen), it actually exists!
Our Test Winner: The OllaLa Dildo
The OllaLa dildo yielded convincing results in many tests including our Dildo Test. The search was over and we found a perfect female sex toy that left all dildos and women vibrators far behind in performance and pleasure. There is one thing we have to admit, OllaLa dildo is really unique. The OllaLa is manufactured in high quality; it is beautiful in shape and look; it is odorless; and it elegantly solves the warmth problem.
The OllaLa is a latent heat accumulator, which means that once activated, the heat produced is retained for a much longer period of time And the best of all: as soon as the crystallization process starts, the ollaLa dildo warms up and becomes really stiff while retaining the flexibility– much like the real penis.
Its optimal temperature gives you the pleasure of your life in the form of a tantalizing orgasm. So if you want to have a perfect warm dildo with the realness of an actual penis and whose features are unmatchable by any other dildo, dong, women vibrator or similar women sex toy; we present you the OllaLa Dildo.
Unique Advantages
The OllaLa dildo also offers a whole range of benefits that clearly distinguished it from ordinary vibrators and dildos in our Dildo Test. Here is an overview of the most important:
The OllaLa dildo is made of high-quality silicone optimum for pharmaceutical use.
It has a perfect temperature range of 98.6°F-100.4°F, similar to the body temperature.
It maintains this optimal temperature for a sufficiently long time. (at least 30-60 minutes and more, depending on the size)
It is a life-time product because it can be activated an unlimited number of times.
It can be boiled to ensure perfect hygiene.
It is hermetically sealed to prevent accidental leakage.
It is also suitable for therapeutic purposes, e.g. for heat therapy in the genital area.
Finally, a compliment to all those women who may have an orgasm with a cold dildo; Hats off to you! You must be some really gifted women. However, for those who aren’t always dripping went and wish to experience that super-magical orgasm, we recommend OllaLa Dildo. It is available in 3 colors and 3 different sizes so really, everyone gets their money’s worth having the freedom of choice. We are sure: You will not want to leave your bed with the OllaLa dildo!