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Female Orgasm

Many women are of the opinion that orgasm isn’t natural. The reason why many women struggle to reach the climax, can be explained by the fact that a large number of women have little knowledge of what happens in their own body in a state of ecstasy. An orgasm can be compared to a rush of pleasure that affects the entire body.

A majority of women rarely; and in some cases never; reach the actual sexual climax—the orgasm. According to a Dürex study conducted worldwide, 80% of all men almost always reach an orgasm, while women only had an orgasm in one of the three cases. According to the study, sexual climax increases self-confidence, general satisfaction, and emotional closeness to the boyfriend or partner, which dramatically increases the fun and enjoyment of sex.

How does a woman orgasm?

Women, who know their sexuality and are well aware of the processes in their own bodies, can deliberately influence them to increase their excitement, which ultimately leads to the orgasm. A quick glance or a brief touch is, usually, enough for the excitement to occur. In this process, the sensory stimuli of eyes, skin, and lips in the limbic system and cerebrum, are processed and ultimately directed to the hypothalamus.

This region is located inside the brain and is considered the center of lust. Hypothalamus can issue various commands in seconds and provide the feeling of excitement and sexual desire.

The actual stress hormone adrenaline accelerates the breathing and heartbeat, focuses attention, and sharpens the senses regarding the love-play. The messenger substances dopamine and noradrenaline intensify the rush of emotions and put the woman in high spirits. Simultaneously, message is sent to the erection center to intensify blood flow to the cavernous body of the clitoris and penis. This accumulation of blood enlarges the labia in women. The continuation of sex intensifies this state of affairs till the time when toes get curled, the back is arched, and the whole body starts shaking and she feels this ‘delicious release’. This is how the orgasm of a woman occurs.

How do you recognize an orgasm?

Orgasm in every woman is as unique as the woman herself because the sexual climax expresses itself differently in every woman. A woman’s orgasm, usually, causes rhythmic vaginal contractions that extend over to the entire body, in the form of twitching. There is no general definition, but the feeling is too unique to be confused with any other feeling.

G-Spot – Trigger of Vaginal Orgasm

There are many myths about the G-spot. However, many experts actually doubt that it exists at all because there was never any scientific proof of its existence. Nevertheless, you should always consider the different opinions when it comes to the so-called trigger of a woman’s vaginal orgasm. Many couples and women in bed are concerned with the questions such as:

How can I find the G-spot? How do I stimulate it?

As a rule, it is an area in the vagina about 1.57-1.97 inches from the vaginal entrance that supposedly, is located in the front wall of the vagina. It is best to reach it with two fingers and the fingers should be inserted as far as possible along the front wall of the vagina. The G-spot should feel like a small bump or elevation and may feel rough like little wrinkles on it.

Orgasm Phases

American sexologists have divided the sexual response into four phases:

The excitement phase

The plateau phase

The actual orgasm of a woman

The resolution phase

Phase 1—The Excitement Phase

The touching of erogenous zones, kissing, and canoodling can trigger the desire for sex. The body begins to prepare itself for the orgasm as early as in this phase, whereby the sexual play does not only affect the genital area but puts the entire body into a sexual tension. This tension can also be selectively increased. Many women consciously or subconsciously tighten their pelvic muscles, which can increase the excitement enormously.

Phase 2—The Plateau Phase

A certain degree of sexual tension is retained until the woman orgasms. In this phase, the clitoris retreats underneath its foreskin and the outer third of the vagina begins to fill with blood at the same time. The vaginal entrance is surrounded by a muscle ring that can be controlled deliberately.

Phase 3—The Actual Orgasm Phase

In this phase, the nerves and muscles are fully tense, and the climax is reached with all the energy being discharged at once. The vaginal entrance suddenly contracts between 3 to 15 times within a second, and then a little slower. The sphincter muscle and the uterus rhythmically contract as well. Eventually, the woman feels the orgasm all over her body and breathes up to 40 times per minute.

Phase 4—The Resolution Phase

This is the so-called phase of relaxation after a woman’s orgasm. At this point, the clitoris re-emerges; the swelling of the labia normalizes; and the vaso-congestion in the vaginal entrance subsides. A woman can easily start the next round, while many men need a break.  

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